Knowledge Constructor Student Standard Rubric


The ISTE Standards offer a unique opportunity to connect students directly to the knowledge, skills and dispositions that will prepare them for college and career. As teachers begin to build their classroom practices to promote and encourage student progress with the 2016 ISTE Standards for Students, they will need a way to assess students’ progress. To that end, ISTE has developed general rubrics for each ISTE indicator to support performance assessments by teachers and self-assessments by students. Designed as general rubrics, they are to be used at all grade levels and across learning tasks.

The rubrics are positioned in a four-point scale, moving from beginning through sophisticated.

The rubrics that are provided depict levels of development for the Knowledge Constructor standard. They expand the standard and its indicators into specific criterion and describe the levels of progress for meeting each. The degree of autonomy and complexity with which students achieve each aspect of the standard will vary across grade levels. Thus, a student might achieve a proficient rating in grade 3, having met the standard criterion as he engages in the curriculum, tasks and activities at that level. However, that same student might be at the Emergent level at Grade 7, as he engages with new curriculum, tasks, activities and expectations at a higher level.

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This PDF downloadable product provides a rubric that can be used to start assessing and evaluating progress of students as they develop the skills and capacities to achieve the ISTE Student Standard for Knowledge Constructor. These are starter rubrics that can be used broadly, or used in part across classrooms to enable students to demonstrate progress through documented assessments and tools. *Please note that these are also available as part of the Digital Learning Pathway on Knowledge Constructor. For more information on rubrics and their utility please contact Jody Britten at


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