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- Create Date August 23, 2017
- Last Updated August 23, 2017
Continua 21st Century Skills Continua by Metiri
This product is a downloadable PDF document for individual use only.
This Metiri Group product provides over 50 pages of continua to support the development of rubrics.
The continua includes definitions and scaled descriptions for adaptability/managing complexity, creativity, critical thinking, curiosity, economic literacy, effective use of real-world tools, global awareness, higher-order thinking and sound reasoning, information literacy, interactive communication, interpersonal skills, interactive communication, interpersonal skills, multicultural literacy, personal responsibility, prioritizing/planing/managing results, relevant high quality products, risk-taking, scientific literacy, self-direction, social and civic responsibility, teaming and collaboration, technological literacy, and visual literacy.
Each continuum defines the skill; identifies specific behavioral, cognitive, and affective qualities of each 21st century skill; describes levels of progress toward each of these qualities; and positions each skill in the context of today’s digital society.